Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Documentary To You It s A Reality

â€Å" To you it’s a film, to them it’s a reality†; the translated poster headline of the award winning observational war documentary Armadillo (Metz, 2010), a captivating film, shadowing a platoon of soldiers as they fought the Taliban in the Helmand province of southern Afghanistan. A controversial and sensitive topic, in which director and filmmaker Janus Metz endeavoured to depict the brutalising effects of war, with a character driven and emotional story embedded through out. With such impact surrounding a film, one may note the importance of film structure, camera work, sound, narration and graphics. The following essay will explore such features, in which are commonly identifiable in observational documentaries. In addition, one may evaluate their influence in portraying the story and creating a foundation for which the audience may experience emotional realism. In appreciating the production of Armadillo, one must first understand its biopic genre. The documentary genre has evolved, as with anything over time. However the essence for which it is strongly identifiable, has remained the same. Predominantly documentaries are nonfiction motion pictures that personify factual events, situations or people. Often capturing reality without any true interference from the filmmaker or his crew. As seen in Armadillo, a successful documentary addresses ideas or angles in which are unusual or contentious. As Bernard (2010) states in her studies of documentary storytelling,Show MoreRelatedEthos, Pathos, And Logos1303 Words   |  6 Pageslive in is actually as transparent as we perceive it. In the documentary, Ethos: Time to Unslave Humanity, we get an interpretation of America’s political, economical, and social being and how everything is less concrete than openly known. Extremely far from stone cold facts, there are still ideas and arguments t hat are being made throughout that attempt to achieve aspects of ethos, pathos, and logos. 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